Title: Kiss Me Princess (Volume 6)
Alternate Title: Boy Princess 6
Author: Kim Se-Young
Churning words into sentences:
The only thing worthy of news is Nicole and Zed is divorcing and Reyni is marrying Nicole's eldest brother. Everything else is a jumble of conflict. Arghhh, how frustrating.
This had brought us to the topic of how successful is an arranged marriage? No, that's not it, some of the people here is arranged to be married but they were all unfaithful. Teehee.
Let us discuss the relationship between Zed's mum and dad instead. They were politically engaged. Zed's mum found another lover so should he or should he not let her go. Yes, he should! I remembered Johny Depp's quote saying that if you fall in love the second time, stick with the second because if you truly love the first, you won't fall for the second. Why would you torture her to be with you if she clearly love another? To foster the love for you? I think it just fester hate instead. In turn you will hate yourself. You might even compare yourself to the lover, finding flaws in yourself and then being continuously depress.
Love is a wondrous thing. Or so they say, since that is something I've never experienced. Therefore, I conclude that if you truly someone hold them real tight. But if you're pretty sure they don't love you back, let go of them. You'll save yourself from lots of anger and grief.
Ok this is just added.....
Omooo, i thought I finished the book, turned out I didn't. This volume issssssssssss interesting. Seriously.
Somehow Shahi betrayed Zed or maybe it was a ruse, I dunno. Blood is coming out of Nicole's mouth. Oh no! Is he dead? Is this really is a trick? I thought it was but then when Shahi tell their secrets, I felt that it was true that he's two-faced cockroach. *panic mode*.
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